Saudi authority detain Khaled Al-Labbad after shooting him and injuring him badly.News about having 1 martyr at least too.

The Saudi forces of repression opened fire Wednesday's afternoon on the wanted activist Khaled Al-labbad, who is known as being one of the wanted 23 by MOI, injuring him with several gunshots and detained him immediately.
The story in more details according to witnesses: The activist Al-labbad was standing next to the house in which his family and him live. He got ambushed from a number of mercedes cars that have "Awamia in Arabic" written on them. A number of armed soldiers got out from the cars and then opened fire randomly.
Opening the gunfire in a residential area caused injuring Al-labbad critically with several shots and injuring a number of other people were in the neighborhood. Among the injured people was a kid according to facebook posts. There is also un-confirmed news about having on martyr got a shot on his head. Other sources on FB indicated that the person who got shot on the head is the activist Khaled Al-labbad but we can't confirm that yet.
Activists on the facebook published photos after the attack showing a lot of bloods on the ground. They say it's remaining marks from the crime that Saudi forces did on Al-labbad and the available people on that residential area.
The site was surrounded by police patrols and armed vehicles, which were pulled out later after detaining all of the injured people. It's worth mentioning that MOI stated lately through its minister Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz that they're going to target the list of 23. After his statement immediately MOI troops attacked the activist Hussain Alrabee and kidnapped him while he was bleeding badly as a result of the gunfire.
Although the international and the local human rights organizations watched the violations of the Saudi authority made on the citizens and condemned those violations, the Saudi authority is still continuing on suppressing the voice of those who demand their legitimate rights peacefully with either killing them, or detaining them. And then falsification the facts through MOI statements and Saudi mainstream media
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